3 Foundations for Humanizing Leadership — Corwin Harper

3 min readJul 14, 2022


Image from Unsplash by Jehyun Sung

As someone who believes that humanity and business sense can coexist without causing conflict, I also strongly believe that it takes one to have humanity and compassion to creating a more human world. And what better than to have leaders lead by example? I recently read an article published by LinkedIn, 3 Foundations for Humanizing Leadership by Hugh MacLeod, which outlines three powerful leadership truths.

1. Reflection fuels

“The practice of self-awareness and self-reflection for those in leadership roles extends back thousands of years to the ancient philosophers and teachers. Yet nowadays, it seems self-reflection is often a leader’s least favourite pastime or a component of leadership that is sacrificed for some other facet of leadership.”

In order to be a humanizing leader, it is important to know the consequences of one’s words and actions. We must become aware of our strengths and weaknesses, our values and behaviors, and the ways in which they are influential.

2. People matter

“When we actually carry out a “people matter” approach, we as leaders and our organizations benefit. A fully engaged workforce will outperform a disengaged workforce any day of the week.”

Employees who feel more involved in the workplace are more open to innovative ideas and new procedures. They are open to new ways to improve the work they do, rather than just performing the bare minimum. This attitude is a prerequisite for innovation and growth.

3. Relationships make the difference

“Our relationships with others, mirror the relationship we have with self. Therefore, a leader’s negative behavior gives others permission to act in a similar vein.”

Oftentimes, leaders forget how influential they are with their attitude and words. As leaders, it is our responsibility to be one with the team and not take the traditional route of being a micromanager. If we trust ourselves to complete the task, we should trust that others can do too.

“We cannot expect to harness the full potential of our organizations, and relationships within them, if we fail to fully understand our behavior and the impact our behavior has on those who bring our visions or goals to fruition.”

“Humanizing leadership creates the glue that hold the fabric of a human system together, and the elasticity, bond, and effectiveness of the glue is determined by the overall relationship welfare of the organization.”

Therefore, relationships are what make the work less stressful than it needs to be and cultivate a healthy work environment. “Without relationships, there is no strategy implementation, and there is no function to begin with.”

Click here to read the full article.




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