Ashley Johnson — a communications artist and results-driven collaborator. Her expertise lies in taking things out of chaos — a much-needed skill in today’s environment. Ashley works toward helping organizations ‘communicate for success’. Her services are much needed by start-ups, passion-driven organizations, and bigger companies, alike.
We are in an ongoing conversation with Ashley, to learn more about her professional experiences and views on the dynamic industry she is a part of.
Read part 1 of the conversation below.
Ashley, digital marketing strategy is ever-evolving, and organizations/clients expect a flawless online experience. Through the course of your career, what has been your trick to staying relevant and keeping up with the continuously changing ‘trends’?
“Flawless — I think that word does a company a disservice because if the experience isn’t organic, it isn’t evolving. If your experience is trend compliant and just sitting there looking pretty, that gets boring in itself. Excellence is a great goal to have in terms of an online experience. It is what everyone aspires to, but it also gives you the chance to listen to what your customer has to say and innovate when things go bump. It allows you to evolve. So, I would say keeping an eye on the “trends” is important but listening would be paramount. You are doing this for your customer. Hop on the social media platforms, gather your data and analytics, and see if what your customer wants matches the trends out there and then pivot to integrate that experience. Everything should be organic to you, especially trends.”
Thank you for sharing, Ashley.