Three Tenets of Success For Leaders - Corwin Harper

3 min readApr 19, 2022


Due to new emerging technology and trends, today’s work environment is much more advanced and fast-paced than it was in previous years. Thus, today’s leaders are faced with complex challenges to try to quickly evolve to help their organization thrive in this new environment. I recently read an article published by Forbes, Leading Founders of Fast-Growing Companies Share Three Tenets of Success, which outlines how leaders can live up to the high expectations and succeed in this evolving workforce.

The stern, conservative leadership style has quickly become outdated, and today’s successful leaders are those who lead with purpose and a clear vision. Effective and visionary leaders deliver results, solve complex problems, and enhance our everyday lives. Here are three key philosophies that some of the nation’s most successful leaders follow:

  1. Don’t be afraid to take risks: “Effective leaders take a series of small risks every day and empower those around them to do the same.” By being transparent about the risks you take, it ensures that everyone’s perspectives are heard, thus allowing the company to grow rapidly. With risks come failures, but it is important to learn and grow from these failures. Challenge conventional norms and encourage your team to get comfortable with taking risks.
  2. Build on existing infrastructure: “The secret to building an innovative product is not always about inventing something entirely new from scratch. Instead, it’s about making user-centric adjustments to existing products or services to deliver a unique and customized experience for your consumer.” Use the foundational values of the industry and build on them. “It’s evolution, not revolution.”
  3. Embracing diversity: It is no secret that diversity, equity, and inclusion has become a driving factor of success for companies today. Studies show that diverse teams perform better than homogenous teams. Creating diverse teams comes with several benefits — fuels innovation, fosters new ideas, and exposes people to new cultures, perspectives, and experiences. A company’s success begins with its leadership. Set the tone at the top and you will begin to see positive behaviors being exhibited throughout each level of the organization. “Leading with purpose isn’t easy, but those leaders who master it will find that it’s a force multiplier that produces ripple effects throughout their organizations.” This approach instills vision and drive in every employee, thus elevating the business to new levels. Ultimately, having a diverse team serves as a competitive advantage. Having diverse perspectives leads to innovation, deepens connections between people, and creates a sense of shared purpose.

“The pace of change in modern markets shows no signs of slowing. Leaders who thrive in this environment are maximally adaptive, able to foresee and forecast, and prioritize purpose-built endeavors. While there is no crystal ball for what’s next, it’s safe to say that leaders who employ these three strategies stand a good chance of rising above the crowd.”

You can read the original article here.




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